WLC Health Services uses Medicat, an Electronic Health Record (EHR) system, to securely store student health records. Prior to arriving on campus, all incoming students are required to submit health forms as indicated on the student portal. All returning students are required to update their forms as applicable each year.

Medicat Electronic Health Record System
Medicat is accessed through WLC's new Quick Launch platform. Information on Quick Launch will be shared with students in early June.
All undergraduate WLC students are required to submit the following health forms and applicable documentation. Student-athletes must submit additional athletic forms as indicated in the student portal.
- Health History Form: It is required that those with chronic health conditions submit a recent (within 1 year) physical exam and care plan. Chronic health conditions include: ADHD, Asthma, Blood Disorder (anemia, sickle cell), Cancer, Diabetes, Epilepsy/Seizures, Heart concerns/High Blood Pressure, Hepatitis, Kidney Disease, and Thyroid problems.
- Immunization Records: There are two steps needed to complete this process:
- Enter the dates of past immunizations.
- Upload a copy of your immunization record.
- If you do not have a current copy of your immunization record, contact your personal health care provider or search the CDC Immunization Information Systems. This website contains information about the immunization registry for each state.
- Personal Health Insurance: There are two steps needed to complete this process:
- Enter insurance information as found on the insurance card.
- Upload a picture of the front and back of your insurance card. Be sure the uploaded images are clear. We recommend that you save the image or have a copy of your card with you at all times.
NOTE: Any student under 18 years of age at the start of classes must have a parent/guardian complete the Consent for Treatment of a Minor form prior to receiving medical treatment at WLC Health Services. This form can be accessed through the Medicat Student Portal link and then printed, signed, and returned to Health Services.
- If you are having difficulty logging in, contact Technology at technology@baoqiuyue.net, or call 414.443.8911.
- If your demographic information (name, address, phone number, emergency contact) is incorrect or missing, you must contact the Office of the Registrar at registrarsoffice@baoqiuyue.net to update that information. Changes made to your demographic information (the auto-filled lines) in Medicat will not be saved.
- If you have any questions or concerns about the health forms or uploading information, contact Health Services at healthservices@baoqiuyue.net, or call 414.443.8630 and leave a message.
The staff at WLC Health Services provides confidential services practicing within professional ethics and laws that protect your privacy. Health Services will maintain the privacy of your PHI as required by law and provide you with the opportunity to review our Privacy Practices (PDF).
When information is needed to be exchanged, you will need to sign the Release of Information Form (PDF).
To speak about a concern, please contact Jackie Kacmarynski.